Froutopia: Fruit crate Acoustics

This April we were involved in a special project. Inside the old Nicosia Market at the heart of Nicosia’s historical centre, a series of theatrical performances took place. The name of the play was “Froutopia” and a theme after-party was organised by ABR to close the cycle of performances. Ioannides Acoustics was called to offer it’s services […]

SOUNDweb: Music Passion to Profession

The Department of Music Technology at the Cyprus College, in collaboration with Veramand and Ioannides Acoustics, organizes the «SOUNDweb: Music Passion to Profession» music, technology and business Conference. The conference will take place on Sunday, 7 June 2015, from 14:00 until 21:00, at the Cultural Center, European University Cyprus, and aims to provide a networking and training […]

Audio Production Studio upgrade – Blunatic Audiovisual Communications

Blunatic Audiovisual Communications is a company based in Nicosia offering audio visual services, inluding Music Composition, Sound Design and Recording services. Its facilities include an ISO booth for vocal and instruments recording and a critical listenng room, the control room. An upgrade of the acoustic envoiroment of the control room was considered nesessary due to […]

Restaurants: Why acoustics matter

Designing a restaurant is a challenge. Numerous factors have to be taken into account in order for the business to run smoothly. Most importantly you need satisfied customers that will soon be returning to enjoy the good service and atmosphere. One of the most commonly overlooked factor in restaurant design, is acoustics. Acoustics play a vital role […]

New Sound Measurement Equipment

Ioannides Acoustics Consulting recently received the new generation XL2 Sound Level Meter & Acoustic Analyser from NTI. This Class 1 instrument is equipped with an extended acoustic module which significantly upgrades its functionalities. Some of it’s features include: Noise monitoring Building acoustics (Reverberation Time, Sound Insulation) Installed sound system tuning Live sound system tuning  

Mission Possible

Hi everyone, this is my first blog post in the new Ioannides Acoustics Consulting webpage. I’d like to address a subject that has been in my head since my first encounter, as a professional, with an architect. This was shortly after coming back to Cyprus from my studies. We were discussing about the need for […]