Mission Possible

Hi everyone,

this is my first blog post in the new Ioannides Acoustics Consulting webpage. I’d like to address a subject that has been in my head since my first encounter, as a professional, with an architect. This was shortly after coming back to Cyprus from my studies. We were discussing about the need for acoustical design and noise control in buildings.

I must say I was not prepared for his response. “Why spend money on something that almost nobody will notice the difference?”. That comment called for a mission. I knew at that moment that a key factor for architects to “hear” the difference was solid proof of the losses when designing without using their ears.

Acoustics is not a matter of luxury, or artistic fetish. It is in fact affecting our lives in a variety of ways. Poor acoustical design can affect our health, learning capabilities, and work productivity.

Last week I stumbled upon a TED talk from Julian Treasure. about the connection between sound and buildings. Enjoy and please feel free to share.